Take me to church

I have been to three church services in the past six months. I attended my fourth this past Sunday. It was a great service, even if I didn’t understand half of what was said. I enjoyed singing for the first time in who knows how long, and was even invited to sit by someone. The best part though, was what happened once the service was over. Once we finished, everyone headed to the back of the church where there were hot coffee and tea waiting for us. We spent the next 20 minutes or so just enjoying the warmth of both drinks and company. This experience was a wonderful spiritual refresh, and I think I have found my church home for the next few months.


On a sunnier day

As great as it may have been, it was no cakewalk to get there. When I got up Sunday morning, I had lost my bike key, and it was raining just enough for me to need my second jacket which was conveniently at the second house I’m living at. By the time I had the key and coat I was ready to go straight there without further delay. Unfortunately I ended up taking three wrong turns, causing me to drag my bike across a dead end wire fence, retrace my route for seven minutes, and trek through 20 yards of muddy grass, all in the pouring rain. By the time I made it to the church I was soaked and frozen to the bone. Considering what came next though, it was completely worth the trouble. I am glad I found this place, and am looking forward to spending my Sundays here for the next two months.

-Birdboy Blue

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