


So let me get this straight. If you’re in France, and you’re ambitious, you stay in school? Being the American I am, being super ambitious meant you left college (preferably an ivy) and went off to start your own company, or become a missionary in Africa or South America, or China.

Here in France, on the other hand, if you’re ambitious, you stay in school for an extra two to four years. It’s different, I don’t get it, and I can’t wrap my head around the fact that people would rather sit in classes for another few years,  building up student loans, and studying facts that they will only apply in the real world once or twice, during the next exams.

But wait, the universities here are funded by the government, so there are no student loans building up. Also, the mindset here is that the close you adhere to the system, the more successful you will become. But… isn’t going against the system what makes a company successful? Not necessarily. Especially not here, where taxes on companies cause only the businesses that offer products familiar and useful to the general public to survive. So if you want to be super successful, you attend good schools, get the best grades, get employed at an established, reputable company, then climb the corporate ladder to the top.

It’s a very different mindset than I’m used to, and I can’t quite understand it. This is the exact reason I took this gap year in the first place though, to experience and learn about new cultures, and widen my worldview. I am certainly being challenged in my thinking, making my gap year a success at the moment.


Finding Time

Time is precious, Time is money, Time is not to be wasted. What then, is wasting time? The concept is a difficult one for me to define. Is talking with friends I haven’t seen in months a waste of time? Not to me. And if a project deadline is tomorrow? Well, my definition of wasting time changes. This is part of what made taking yesterday off both work and electronics hard for me. What if I miss a deadline? What if a crucial email comes in? What will I do without music for a day? How can I keep from getting bored? As I started though, these questions seemed less and less significant. Having time to do nothing offered not a drawn-out bore, but instead became a much needed solace to think, read, and relax. Did I miss out on chances and deadlines by taking this day off? Possibly, but I attended a much more important appointment; one with just me and God. Being able to realign my objectives and motivation was something long overdue. Finding time again will not be as hard next time. In fact, I’m looking forward to next week, when I can take more tuned out of the world, and tuned in to what really matters.



First Clue


Second clue


Clue Three

Refreshing your mind is necessary. Refreshing your body is also necessary.  oth of these are done through rest. I have recently been in dire need of both of these, having been working on the robotics team nonstop since I’ve arrived, save a day or two. My opportunity arrived today, with the brthday party of a cousin of my host family. The break gave me an opportunity to think of things other than robotics for once, and to just relax, hanging out with newfound friends. The break also helped me realize another thing; that every single one of the people in the group checked their phone (whether it be for time or other reasons) at least once every twenty minutes. Another thing that I need to take a break from, I realized, is electronics. From phones, to computers, to even speakers,  I have been surrounding myself with electronics. This being said, I’ve decided to take another day of break, not just off work, but also electronics. Hopefully this will give me the mental and physical refresh I’ve been needing, and prepare me for this coming week of work in France.


Stereotypical American


Neuville Riverside


Neuville Bridgeside


Neuville Countryside

I went to a french Mc Donalds today for the first time. I also tried out my Texan accent while ordering. Needless to say, the cashier was completely lost. Their marketing scheme got me thinking though; “Bread & America”. What do the French actually think about us Americans? Well, for one, there is the stereotype that most Americans are overweight, that one didn’t come as a surprise to me. One that caught me a little off-guard though is that we are arrogant, and very materialistic. Come to think of it though, it’s more than slightly true. How often have I just wanted one more pair of shoes, shirt, or even a new book? More times than I can count. Arrogant as well? Well, I don’t like seeing myself as that, but the thought that “well at least I’m not them” has crossed my mind more than once. This certain trip to McDonald’s wasn’t just the first time in France, but also the first one to get me to think a little deeper than about what sandwich I’m going to order.


Learning – My way







I’m in school again. It’s a rewind of a year, yet slightly different. I’m attending classes, taking notes about what the teachers say, and even taking tests. The difference is that the grades and scores I receive don’t matter. I’m not really being tested and given marks on what I’ve learned, and how I compare to my classmates, I’m just getting the opportunity to learn. This is a freeing experience, as it allows me to stop taking notes on exactly what the teacher said, not afraid of missing a key question on the test, instead being able to think about what they meant by their comment, or to find my own opinion on the topic. I’m taking a different approach to my education at the moment, and I’m actually learning more than ever.


On Track

The first full team meeting was yesterday, and we got out first true dose of mentoring. We have found three business mentors, and they certainly have a higher level of experience than myself. I for one learned exactly what we need to have in place if the team  wants to even think of traveling to Montreal for our regional competition. The next steps are all centered around organization, from secure file sharing for the whole team to the solidification of job titles. We are well on our way to becoming a functional team,  and the mentors we’ve found have proven themselves invaluable.


Work in Progress



Shop Building


Robot Cart


Maintenance Crew


Replacing Bearings

The shop is finally set up, but we’re a long way from finished. We have a meeting on Wednesday to finalize our team image, and are still looking for more mentors. We currently have been progressing pretty well, as you can see from the pictures, and our robot cart is gleaming white, but we still have quite a long ways to go. I’m thankful for all the support from back home, as I undertake this next journey. Rest assured that is going well, and we’re keeping busy. An update on school as well, my first week was great, and I’ve been able to make a whole new friend group in TS6 (my class). Keep praying for me, and thanks again for all the support.


Not quite Fluent

Warning: Crazy Cat

Warning: Crazy Cat

2 minutes, minimum

2 minutes, minimum

Jokes go over my head every day. I’m constantly asking “comment?” Since I can’t quite understand conversations. At the moment I feel like a six year old, always asking how the language works, and never really getting it. I know that with time it’ll get better, but at the moment it’s rather annoying. It especially doesn’t help in math class, while working on limits that I haven’t seen in over a year. (How did she say that works again?) My classmate must be tired of the amount of times I’ve asked him to clarify a concept now in my broken french. For the most part though, people are pretty forgiving with my pronunciation. I find that as long as I’m trying, they’ll help me along. This will be a struggle for a little while now, but over time I’ll improve my french, and hopefully someday soon understand the punchlines without a 2 minute delay.


High School: Take Two



Left wing

Left wing

So I’m back in high school again. It’s a funny experience, knowing I’ve got my diploma and am still walking out to the bus to head to senior English and bio. Lycée though, is very different than your typical high school in the states. The classes area bit harder, the days a bit longer (some going from 8 till 6) and the language of course is different as well. The people though, are just the same. There are still the familiar cliques; theater, computer geeks, sport fanatics. For the most part, they’re friendly as well. I’ve met who knows how many people this first day of school, and I’m sure I’ll meet plenty more. It’s a rewind of one year, but at the same time a whole new experience, and I’m enjoying every moment.



Dinner with Family

Dinner with Family

Salut Azriel! Thierry, my host father says as I come down the stairs for breakfast. I’m greeted by at least one of my new family here every morning. I have been blessed to have such an accepting group of people to live with for these next few months, and even after just a couple weeks I’m already past of the family. I went to dinner tonight at the home of my host mom’s stepsister, and was introduced like a brother by Anthony to the extended family I hadn’t met yet. I’ve been open to help with my french, and my family certainly took advantage of that. Dominique (my second mother now) went so far as insisting that I must only speak French when she hears me. It wasn’t too hard today, as everyone only spoke French. We had an extended dinner today, starting at 3 and going till 6, leaving plenty of room for conversation, a chance to practice this new language. I learned a bit my new extended family today, such as the fact that there are two little cousins who are always active, and there are plenty of aunts and uncles around (three sets at dinner tonight) My new family keeps growing as I learn of new people, and I have been very blessed that all of them have accepted me as a new member. I know as well that there is a larger family I am a part of, and I am very thankful for that as well. Thank you to all my family for supporting me as I’ve started on this new journey, and rest assured that my new family is just as supportive and have proven to be a great blessing to me.
